"Thank you so much Laura, I just received your print magazine – it is absolutely beautiful! And so real!"
Eva Reifler
Writer & Contributor
"Dear Laura,
I wanted to thank you so much for the printed issues of "Arab Horse Couture ". They arrived here yesterday and look just fantastic! I really love your magazine, layout, compilation of articles, quality of paper, etc.
Judith Wich-Wenning
Writer & Contributor
Orienta Arabians, Germany
"Thanks again, Laura Brodzik, for publishing another one of my articles in your stunning equestrian magazine!"
"Dear Laura, Thank you so much for sending the magazine .....I love love love it !!!!! It is wonderful, I'm absolutely thrilled with it! I've also had some emails from some of your readers commenting on the article and the artwork .....and the lovely magazine !!!!!! Whoooh!! BIG thank you again... Very sincerely yours, Jill Vanstone Equine Artist"
Original Art Limited Edition Prints
"Dear Laura,
I got the magazine and it's really outstanding!!!
I adore it!!!! Really really thank you!!!
Big kiss!
Silvia Rizzo - Designer
"I love that magazine!!! What a great photo."
"You do a nice job! Love the magazine.
Pam Schembri
Shear-D-Lite Arabians"
Pam Schembri
"Hello Laura
What a wonderful issue;-)"
Yamilé B.Sadok
"Arab Horse Couture Magazine....I just got my first copy of this publication and for any Arabian horse lover, you will want to have it. Beautiful, elegant, photography of these incredible horses fill the pages. The entire magazine is eye candy for any horse lover. And though their website is also beautiful, get the hard copy. Elegantly produced, highlighting the design skills of the editor, Laura Brodzik who has brought forth a magazine that is as gorgeous as the horses it features. I vote it as one of the best of the new, equine entrepreneurial publishing endeavors. Darn! If you can't own such a horse, you can at least fill your eyes full of them and dream on."
Socks For Horses
"Wow!!!!! Looks fabulous!"
Brita Brookes
"Laura I just wanted to thank you so much for the great surprise, finding my article in your super magazine .....you do an amazing job. Thank you , thank you! "
Jill Vanstone – Artist
"Looks beautiful! Thank you for including me."
Jennifer Malott Kotylo
333 N. Canal St., #3603 Chicago, IL 60606 312-719-0283 jkotylo@yahoo.com